Health therapy sessions
Acupuncture/ Traditional Chinese medicine
Etiopathy/ Ostep therapy Cranio sacral
Etiothrapy - brinette accompaniment technique Constellation
Session by appointment schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Open File For New client- add first session
In-house session schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Emergency session, no appointment 48 hrs before and off, schedule: 9h-12h/2h-6h pm
In-house session, on emergency: no appointment 48 hrs before and off schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Advice/ complementary information (off session) by phone, mail, in office
Invoice reminder/ week late
Travel expenses in addition to the price of the session at home or hotel- (costs variable according to the fuel price)
Type of massages at your choice: sports or relaxing or lymphatic or Tui Na
Office session of 60 minutes
Office session of 75 minutes
Office session of 90 minutes
Office session of 120 minutes
In-house/ hotel session of 60 minutes
In-house/ hotel session of 75 minutes
in-house/ hotel session of 90 minutes
in-house/ hotel session of 120 minutes
Travel expenses in addition to the price of the session at home or hotel- (costs variable according to the fuel price)
Physiotherapy- personal training- no agreement Rate
without doctor's prescription personalized training according to your needs by professionals
Session by appointment schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Open File For New client- add first session
In-house session schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Emergency session, no appointment 48 hrs before and off, schedule: 9h-12h/2h-6h pm
In-house session, on emergency: no appointment 48 hrs before and off schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Advice/ complementary information (off session) by phone, mail, in office
Invoice reminder/ week late
Travel expenses in addition to the price of the session at home or hotel- (costs variable according to the fuel price)
Physiotherapy Agreement Rate
obligation to prescribe physiotherapy from the doctor and insurance cover - the rate according to your LAmal or LAA insurance coverage
Session by appointment schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
In-house session schedule: 9h-12h/ 2h-6h pm
Travel expenses in addition to the price of the session at home or hotel- (costs variable according to the fuel price)
Sports Training
Winter snow sports coaching
(Ski or snowboard or telemark or cross country) and snowshoe
Ask us for an offer according to your taste.
Coaching hour (for 1 person maximum 4 persons)
Half a day 3 hrs (morning from 9:00 to 12:00 ou afternoon, with a maximum of 4 people)
For the day - *6 hrs (from 9:00 to 3:00 pm ou from 10:00 to 4:00 pm, maximum 4 people
For a plus day - *8 hrs (from 8:00 to 5:00pm or from 9:00 to 6:00 pm including transport time, with a maximum of 4 people)
Go look at the hotel
Plus calculate the vehicle transportation if needed
Transport départure adress : rue centrale 107, 1884 Villars/Ollon, Suisse
Add 40 chf at the price displayed for 5 - 6 people
Additional person for group of +6 people ( maximum 7 persons/group)
Excerpt from our general conditions:
*Breakfast break included (the meal is covered care by the member/ customer)
Reservation dates are guaranteed only upon payment receipt
Ski-lifts packages, equipment rental and meals are not included in the price
Collective Performance during week-ends 2 hrs (2 persons min. up to 8 people max)
Collective Initiation/ discovery during week-ends 3 hrs (from 3 pers. min up to 8 people max.)
Sports and Health Training
1 hour indoor session
1 hour outdoor session
Full training Program
Cardiovascular rehabilitation Program
Rehabilitation Program
Membership fee of the association
Daily membership fee
Individual daily membership fee
Family/ group daily membership fee
Organization/foundation/school/business daily membership fee
Annual fee
Passive Junior member annual fee
Senior meber passive annual fee
Veteran member annual fee
Family member (4 pers. Max) annual fee
Annual donor member
Option annual contributions
For the annual member option A; Sport of skiing- in winter
For the annual member option B: Physical preparation- in autumn
For the telemark equipment is available for members
Contact us for more information on the rental.